Wednesday, August 29, 2007


Okay, so this post is stolen from a Thursday 13 I did awhile back but it totally captures a 'day in the life' of this gal. The only thing I forgot to mention is that I somehow manage to squeeze in about 2,000 words per day in here somewhere. Usually during the happy breakfast, lunch, and times when the child will take his dang nap.

Happy Wednesday all!

Anna J. Evans

Happy Breakfast, accompanied by commentary on Sesame Street. I never have to worry what the Roo is thinking about, he's very comfortable sharing his entire inner monologue...

On the way up the stairs to 'see the babies'...mama's going to go sweat in the basement with the firemen. Yeah, they're kind of cute, but dumb as dirt as twice as loud...which isn't hard to do since dirt doesn't make noise...but whatever. Hard to relax with a bunch of doofus fireman watching to see if your shorts ride up while you're doing the squat machine. The one time of the day I get to be without a Roo on me/talking to me/fretting with me and they ruin it. Think I may have to add them to my 'dead to me' sidebar.

All done seeing the babies, we have to stop and look at our shadow a few times on the way out to mama's van because shadows are cool.

Back at the hissy, the purple turtle must be played with and sand thrown in hair. At least he kept it on himself this time, which is good since mama will use any excuse to avoid washing her hair. This whole 'long hair' thing the hubs likes is annoying. I liked it short and easy to scrunch and go.

The plant that I can't keep alive. I can't grow children and plants at the same time...hey, we all have our limitations...

Roo riding his blue teeter-totter...and some more empy pots behind him. My mother gives them to me for mother's some kind of hint to spruce up my ugly yard or something....whatever, I figure she doesn't want her grandson or step-grandaughters dead so I don't invest any energy into putting things in those pots or trying to keep them alive. I've got my priorities straight. Kids before plants yo. (Kind of like bros before hos....)

The whale pool. I almost passed out after blowing it up. My lips buzzed for half an hour afterward, but the Roo had great fun and I got to finish my book in between throwing ducks and balls at him.

Into the house for some yummy sausage lunch (yuck, that stuff smells like dog shit), before going back out to the whale pool because the whale pool rocks. Mama agrees as she's now starting another book. Can't take the computer out there or mama might have found a way to squeeze some writing in...

In from the whale pool, and all bathed and dressed and out on the town getting a Care Bears movie (Big Wish, he had grown tired of Journey to Jokealot). Mama of course forgot her purse so we drove all the way there, and all the way back twice, thusly wasting even more time before nap, making mama POSITIVE Roo was going to go down easy on this particular day. It was almost 2:30 after all, and the dude was TIRED.

Birth Control aka Roo pre-nap....howling in protest to the injustice of being forced to rest...

11. Mama takes a shower and considers doing damage to herself with the eyelash curler because the Roo. is. still. screaming. 1/2. hour. later....

12. But he finally sleeps for an hour and a half, I bang out about 1200 words that probably suck because I'm so out of the groove and when he wakes up we get some letters ready to go to big'un at camp. Roo helps by opening all the cabinets and pulling out the pots and pans. I finally lose it and use big scary voice. He stops and cries. We kiss and make up and go to the post office.

13. It's 4:30, only an hour before the hubs gets home and I might be able to escape to use the bathroom by myself. As we're driving home I spot the three crosses on the hill and take a picture to remind myself about little baby Jesus in his fleece diaper....and I begin to wonder...what would baby Jesus do?

Baby Jesus would make mojitos...and tell me to drink them and be well...and so I did.


Karen Erickson said...

Oh my God are lives are very similar. Though none of my children really nap anymore. Which is just...a cryin' shame.

No, not them cryin', me cryin'. I miss nap time!

This was hilarious. :)

Anna J. Evans said...

Thanks karen :)

Yeah man, I'm gonna miss me some nap time when he finally gives it up for good.

too bad you don't live closer! We could throw our kids in the whale pool together and share the mojitos :)

