Tuesday, August 7, 2007


Ever heard that? Probably not. BICHOK is writer-ese for "Butt In Chair, Hands On Keyboard". And yet, I still have a hard time getting there. My excuse is for every time I wrangle myself out of extending a commitment, another one comes down the pike. People often ask me how on earth I juggle so many balls between my day profession, my writing life, and my personal life. My answer: I know which ones are rubber. And I know when they change material.

During July, my writing was totally rubber. With my personal commitments completed, and a time sensitive nature (in my mind) for the completion of a story, writing has turned back into glass. Since I was a little kid, I've listened to music to block out all other distractions when I need to focus on a project. The music changes depending on what I'm working on. Lately, I've found the "Move Along" album by The All-American Rejects has a perfect beat for me to write to. I also tend to write later at night. This is because I'm in no way a morning person, and I have a day job :) So, that's it for me.

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