Tuesday, October 16, 2007

Fantasies...getting your engine going

Fantasies are on my mind a lot lately. Winning the Lotto. Hooking up with the guy I've had a crush on since we were four years old. The credit cards all paid off. Jetting off to the destination of my choice without having to worry about how I was paying for it, or needing to be back at a certain date to go back to work. Having all of the housework magically done. My buddha belly morphing into a 6-pack. See, lots of different fantasies.

But we're here to talk about the more lustful kind of fantasies, aren't we? Lately, in addition to the lifelong crush, these guys have been making guest appearances in my fantasies:

Sean Patrick Flanery

The first volume of the Young Indiana Jones Chronicles are due out next week. I've had a crush on the character of Indy since I was a wee child. Sean as Indy got my teenage hormones *all* worked up!

Milo Ventimiglia

Looking at his hot bod alone makes Heroes worth watching.

and last, but oh so certainly not least,

Josh Radnor

The star of "How I Met Your Mother", who greatly appeals to my lust of dark haired, boys next door.

Whisper in my ear...who are you fantasizing about now?

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